Relation between Dental Health and Root Canal

A root canal is one type of endodontic treatment where ‘Endo’ is the greek word that means “inside,” and ‘odont’ means “tooth.” Together it means treating the inside of the teeth. In this process, the dentist removes the infected portion and protects the teeth from future infections. A tooth’s nerve can be inflamed and irritated because of decay. Repeated infections on the teeth or trauma on the face can cause a problem with the nerve.

How to Know If You Need a Root Canal?

A root canal treatment is needed if there is any inflammation or infection in the pulp, the soft tissue inside the teeth. If it is not treated at the right time, it can cause an abscess in the future.

Some of the signs that show you require a root canal are

  • A chipped or crack teeth

  • Swollen gum

  • A pimple that grows on the gum

  • Severe pain while chewing

  • Deep decay or darkening of the gum

  • Lingering sensation to hot and cold.

  • Sharp pain when chewing or biting.

The Procedure

The root canal in Oklahoma is usually done by the dentist, but if the procedure is more difficult, they suggest the patient to see an endodontist.

The procedure follows the following steps

  • Your dentist will first take an X-ray. They use anaesthesia around the infected tooth so that the patient doesn’t feel any pain.

  • The dentist then places a rubber dam to protect the area from getting wet from saliva.

  • Next, your dentist will drill access to the tooth from where the nerve, pulp, and bacteria will be removed. Several root canal files are used to clean out the area by putting them in the hole to brush and wash the sides of the root canal. When the work is done, sodium hypochlorite is sprayed in that area.

  • After the tooth is cleansed, it is sealed. This step vastly depends on the dentist and the amount of decay the tooth has suffered. If an infection is found, the dentist might put medicine inside the tooth and seal it in the next appointment. Otherwise, the doctor can seal it the same day.

  • The final step involves putting a paste and gutta-percha inside the tooth. The dentist will put a filling in the access hole that was created at the start of the process.

Where To Get This Treatment Done?

Comprehensive Family Dentistry provides the best root canal treatment in Oklahoma. They have been serving the people for a long time and providing the best care to their patients. Call us to schedule an appointment.

**Disclaimer: This content is not a professional dental or medical advice and does not imply a relationship between patient and care provider or the doctors.